The early onward peas I'd sown a few weeks ago were large enough to move to the allotment. The reason for sowing them at home in pots was because of the huge weevil problem there is. The broad beans which are planted in the same patch have been really badly affected and this hopefully will give the plants the best chance to get going even if they do get a little nibbled.
I dont get a huge chance to water frequently at the allotment and I am counting on some rain today, but I watered each hole well before dropping the plants in and then watered them in from the top thoroughly as well.
I've got another 3 or 4 varieties of peas to get going now, which I plan on doing later today.
Also planted on the allotment yesterday were beetroot detroit 2 and cylindra, and the carrot varieties I'm doing this year which are nandor F1, chantenay red core, amsterdam forcing 3, and early nantes 5. Also planted a row of lisbon spring onion.
In the greenhouse on Saturday I sowed some more butternut squash as I think it was too cold for the first lot to germinate (though it will probably prove me wrong now and I'll have masses), all year round cauliflower, red onion (north holland blood red redmate), pumpkin, french climbing bean (blue lake), cucumber (marketmore) courgette (Dundoo F1), sweetcorn (incredible F1) and rosemary as my first sowing of that got damping off.
Good weekend's work I think