Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Drought plagued plot

Because of the drought(!) yesterday was the first day in over 2 weeks I managed to get to the plot. Was starting to get a bit anxious that everywhere isnt ready for planting out. 

There was much intaking of breath and tutting from the ol' boys when I said I was going to weed. 'Nah, you cant do that, its too wet' etc so I rolleyed my eyes as usual and showed them how its done!

So I went from this:

 to this:

And this:

to this
No soil was compacted in the making of these photographs!

Elsewhere on the plot the raspberries are looking fab
 As are the onions
 and shallots

And the view down the site is looking rather lovely too.

Now, just need to see a bit more sky every so often and all will be right with the world.

Oh, before I go, my little fig tree in the back garden has 7 baby figs on it :D