Friday, 6 January 2012

January Planting Plan

Currently suffering quite a bit bout of depression which I am am writing bits about in another blog as part of my recovery, but I know that in the past my depression has been got through by growing stuff.

I had been meaning to go through my seeds at the end of last year and see what I have, what I need and make a list of when things need doing. It didnt happen.

This morning, in my drug induced haze, which seems to annoyingly slow down my movements and ability to do stuff but not my brain racing around I have managed to sort through the box of seeds and write a list of when each seed can be sown by month. 

Looking at the list its a bit frightening as it looks like there is loads to sow from Feb through to July, but everything is written down in *every* month it can be sown. I dont have to sow them each month. Must remember that.

For January - and I dont know when this will happen as it means organising myself to get into the shed, which I know is a mess, and I'm having trouble getting out of bed most days at the moment - is this:

All year round cauliflower
Ailsa Craig onion seed
Moneymaker tomato

So there is a plan for what I would like to get sown this month. It wont take long to do once all the right things are to hand. That's the bit that is going to take the most planning; getting all the right things to hand.