Saturday, 2 April 2011

Almost there!

Spent another couple of hours digging this morning and have just about completed all that needs doing. The ground was really hard going where the brassicas had been planted and the soil isnt in as great a shape as it is elsewhere on the plot, but hopefully the masses of worms I disturbed will get on with breaking down the soil a bit further, along with the elements, and by the time I come to plant up in that area it wont be quite so bad.

The seedlings that I transplanted are doing well in the greenhouse, and the seeds I planted with my daughter the other night are starting to germinate which is great.

Some of my horticulture books have arrived and I really need to continue with the 4th assignment for my course as I have neglected studying over the past few weeks. It will be much easier to get on with that now knowing that the allotment is in a state ready to be planted in, rather than having lots of work to do.

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