Tuesday, 17 April 2012

This week's round up of the plot

Finally taken the fleece off the red onions and shallots and they're looking really good. A couple of the shallots have yet to do anything, but I guess there's still time.

The raspberries are looking fab. So mayn new shoots and loads of buds already. Hopeful for a very good crop this year.

Pulled the first rhubarb stems today.

Strawberries are starting to pick up now having all been moved at the end of last season. I may not pick from one of the beds and remove flowers to hopefully encourage a better crop for next year, but that involves me being around at the right time to do that.

The rest of the onion bed looking really healthy pretty good (crap photo tho)

The squash bed - before

 and after. 
Obviously still needs a bit more work, but wont take long now,
 but had 2 bored kids and it was lunchtime 

The parsnips have all survived that yuck weather of the past week or so
 and are putting out more leaves. Fab :)

On my neighbour's plot was this weird fungus. She's had mushroom compost delivered so maybe its edible?

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