Sunday, 13 January 2013

Happy New Year!

A lot of time has passed again since I last blogged. And a lot has happened. The allotment is getting a bit of a maker over and new compost bins are in progress along with plans to get a bigger shed down there. A planting plan of sorts has been devised but still final decisions to be made on varieties to try this year.

On a personal level I have got engaged to be married! This time last year I would never have dreamed that this would be happening. No plans have been made as to where or when the event will happen, but it's likely to be fairly low key and as little fuss as possible (2nd time around for both of us).

This year looks to be a busy one. Hopefully I will update the blog more often than I have been doing, but as usual my primary reason for keeping it is mainly to keep a record for myself as to when things have been planted; to note what has worked well; and what should probably not be repeated.

Anyway, if you're new, welcome. If you're reading me again, thank you for returning.

Happy New Year. I hope it is happy and prosperous for you all x

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